Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prayer & Solace

I have been having some wonderful time with the Lord and in a completely new dimensions.

Has my work life suddenly sorted itself out aka work ends at 6 PM, Life starts at 6:01 PM?


Did I suddenly discover my truests, deepest calling for the Kingdom?

Nah... The Lord still like me to turn a bend before he gives me a new assignment.

Is He patient? Is He Still forgiving? Does He still love me to bits?

Yes... and that's the breakthrough.

The faithfulness of God can only be counted when you look back on the mountains you've traversed and seen how high you have flown. 

Walking with the Lord builds Character. He helps you see beyond the visible mayhem around you and into deeper realities that may be.

He taught me that the only thing worth defending is his Peace. The battle is always of the mind and the Enemy seeks to plunder you of your peace. So, raise a standard of praise against him. Sing of the glory of God. 

Let our Lady, Star of the Sea help you. She is the one person God has not permitted the Enemy to malign. She will counsel you.

Forget not the Counselor. He is gentle and humble. Will he not speak words of wisdom and direction into your ear? 

Forget not the promises of God, for he is faithful.

"I have called you by name, you are mine"

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